lab on stage logo
the public is present /heno3 / hay3 / heu 3

    In "the public is present", the sculptural and manual process which is usually hidden for the spectator, attains at the show a performatic theatrical charachter by sharing an aesthetic experience (sculptor) and witnessing it for the public (obsevator).

    Developed 2013 at bb15, Linz

    CONCEPT. Lab on stage
    PERFORMERs: Arnulfo Pardo Ravagli, Adriana Torres Topaga
    FOTOs. Ulrike Asamer.
    POSTPHOTOGRAPHY: Adriana Torres Topaga
    CO.operators: Ulrike Asamer, Catalina Morales, Solaya Rechlich
    SUIT sponsoring: Andreas Neubauer
    HEY sponsoring: Angela&Erwin Reitböck

heno / hay / heu heno / hay / heu heno / hay / heu heno / hay / heu heno / hay / heu
heno / hay / heu heno / hay / heu heno / hay / heu heno / hay / heuheno / hay / heu
heno / hay / heuheno / hay / heu heno / hay / heu heno / hay / heu heno / hay / heuheno / hay / heuheno / hay / heuheno / hay / heuheno / hay / heuheno / hay / heuheno / hay / heuheno / hay / heuheno / hay / heuheno / hay / heuheno / hay / heu

We thank the co.operators, bb15 and sponsors at "the public is present"
heno / hay / heu comming soon video

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