
German / English

fem* voice circle

by f*vk fem voice kollektivf

fem* voice circle is a practice space for exploring the resources in bodies, voices and imagination as creative and transformative forces.

In the format of monthly group meetings, we will move through exercises and reflections that can give rise to songs, gestures or choreographies exploring the presence of the poetic and political in our daily lives. We will share stories and micro-political strategies for bringing about changes in our lives, communities and the existing unjust social conditions.

fem*voice circle draws on the spirit of the practices of collective singing and dancing to address and transform everyday struggles, understanding itself besides the neoliberal product or goal-oriented logic as a space of collective care and encouragement, fostering imagination, reflection, sensibility, connection, creativity and experimentation. 

f*vc is aimed at women, inter-, trans-, non-binary people, fluid, complex, migrant, queer bodies and identities, with different forms or abilities. Within fem*voice circle we practice collective responsibility for creating an anti discriminatory and anti hierarchical space. 

During the sessions we will propose impulses for exploration and reflection involving simple rhythm exercises, body percussion, somatic work, imagination exercises or body work. The experiences of the bodies, the expression of the voices and their own stories serve as material for exchange and learning. Together we reflect on aspects of our personal and collective struggles and use the resources of our bodies, voices and imagination to respond to them.

1- October 11th, Friday 18:00-20:30 at the AUBERGINE - Güntherstr. 1, 4040 Linz
2- November 8th, Friday 18:00-20:30 at the AUBERGINE - Güntherstr. 1, 4040 Linz
3- January 10th, Friday 18:00-20:30 at the AUBERGINE - Güntherstr. 1, 4040 Linz
4- February 7th, Friday 18:00-20:30 at the AUBERGINE - Güntherstr. 1, 4040 Linz
5- March 7th, Friday 18:00-20:30 - Location: tbc
6- April 11th, Friday 18:00-20:30 - Location: tbc
7- May 9th, Friday 18:00-20:30 - Location: tbc
8- June 6th, Friday 18:00-20:30 - Location: tbc

NOTE: if possible wear something comfortable for movement.

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in order to organize things better


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or just simply come! we are glad to see you there!.

    beauty and schön

    Logo e Illustration: Adriana Torres Topaga



fem* voice kollektiv is an initiative by Adriana Torres, Fatima El Kosht and Martyna Lorenc, for opening up spaces for exchange, learning and togetherness, focused on collective practices around body and voices. The intention is to look for opportunities to bring groups together, addressing primarily women* and FLINTAs with migration experience or from marginalized backgrounds, to ground, connect and empower each other in our struggles.


    fem* voice circle
    a LINZimPULS Project 2024 -2025

    Supportet by
